Projectsbrowserstate / history.js10445 starsHistory.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History/State APIs (pushState, replaceState, onPopState) in all browsers. Including continued support for data, titles, replaceState. Supports jQuery, MooTools and Prototype. For HTML5 browsers this means that you can modify the URL directly, without needing to use hashes anymore. For HTML4 browsers it will revert back to using the old onhashchange functionality.docpad / docpad2984 starsEmpower your website frontends with layouts, meta-data, pre-processors (markdown, jade, coffeescript, etc.), partials, skeletons, file watching, querying, and an amazing plugin system. DocPad will streamline your web development process allowing you to craft powerful static sites quicker than ever before.js2coffee / js2coffee2046 starsCompile JavaScript to CoffeeScriptbevry / cson1160 starsCoffeeScript-Object-Notation. Same as JSON but for CoffeeScript objects.browserstate / ajaxify607 starsAjaxify your entire website instantly with this simple drop-in script using the HTML5 History API with History.js and jQuery ScrollTo.bevry / watchr397 starsBetter file system watching for Node.js. Provides a normalised API the file watching APIs of different node versions, nested/recursive file and directory watching, and accurate detailed events for file/directory changes, deletions and creations.balupton / jquery-scrollto366 starsjQuery ScrollTo - Smooth Scrolling to any jQuery/DOM Elementbevry / staticsitegenerators-website352 starsWebsite containing the complete listing of static site generatorsbevry / query-engine336 starsQuery Engine allows you to perform advanced queries, filters, searching and paging for javascript arrays and objects as well as Backbone.js Collectionsbevry / caterpillar243 starsCaterpillar is the ultimate logging system for Node.js, based on transform streams you can log to it and pipe the output off to different locations, including some pre-made ones. Caterpillar also supports log levels according to the RFC standard, as well as line, method, and file fetching for messages.balupton / buildr213 starsThe (Java|Coffee)Script and (CSS|Less) (Builder|Bundler|Packer|Minifier|Merger|Checker) bevry / projectz188 starsStop wasting time maintaining your project's readme and package files! Let Projectz do it for you.balupton / jquery-history184 starsSuper-seeded by - jQuery History allows you to easily track changes of the pages state by tracking URL Hashes. Supports changes triggered by bookmarks and back & forward buttons, as well as cross browser support.bevry / getmac164 starsGet the mac address of the current machine you are on via Node.jsbevry / staticsitegenerators-list161 starsA comprehensive, partially automatically generated comparison of static site generatorsbalupton / jquery-ajaxy130 starsjQuery Ajaxy aims at solving complicated AJAX Paradigms by providing you with a easy managed solution to bind into page state (URL Hash) changes, AJAX form submits, and support AJAX links.balupton / jquery-syntaxhighlighter120 starsjQuery Extension for Google's Prettify Syntax Highlighterbalupton / jquery-lightbox88 starsLightboxes are a way to display an image on the same page simply and elegantly.chainyjs / chainy80 starsThe chainy core + autoloader pluginwebwrite / html5edit70 starsLightweight R&D project surrounding HTML5's contenteditable featurewebwrite / inlinegui60 starsA decoupled Inline GUI/CMS for any backend!bevry / badges55 starsThe definitive rendering collection of badgesbevry / feedr54 starsUse feedr to fetch the data from a remote url, respect its caching, and parse its data. Despite its name, it's not just for feed data but also for all data that you can feed into it (including binary data).bevry / editions52 stars📦 The best way to produce and consume the JavaScript packages you care about.webwrite / nowpad48 starsRealtime text collaboration with Node.js, Express.js and Now.jsbevry / taskgroup48 starsGroup together synchronous and asynchronous tasks and execute them with support for concurrency, naming, and nesting.docpad / docpad-plugin-ghpages46 starsDeploy your DocPad Website to GitHub Pagesbevry / istextorbinary46 starsDetermines if a buffer is comprised of text or binarydocpad / docpad-skeleton-bootstrap45 starsTwitter Bootstrap skeleton for DocPad. Simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and Javascript for popular user interface components and interactions.balupton / jquery-sparkle43 starsjQuery's Don't-Repeat-Yourself Plugin/Effect Frameworkdocpad / docpad-skeleton-nodechat38 starsNode Chat, built using, DocPad, Backbone.js and Twitter Bootstrapbevry / kava33 starsKava has been powering accurate test suites in node.js and the browser since 2012.balupton / plant-vs-animal-products32 starsA definitive comparison of plant versus animal productsdocpad / docpad-plugin-partials30 starsAdds support for Partials (re-usable templates) to DocPad.docpad / docpad-skeleton-bootstrap-jade30 starsTwitter Bootstrap skeleton for DocPad developed using Jade (a HAML alternative for Node.js)balupton / simple-server30 starsUse or `python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000` insteadinterconnectapp / discuss28 starsA place to discuss interconnectwebwrite / filepad28 starsFilePad is a file browser and editor built with node.js, coffeecript and nowpadbevry / esnext-benchmarks26 starsBenchmarks comparing ESNext features to their ES5 and various pre-processor equivalentsbevry / startuphostel26 starsStartup Hostel, the home in paradise for the doers of the world.bevry / base25 starsBase files for new projectsbalupton / CSScaffold25 starsThe original CSScaffold by Anthony Short... He deleted the original repository when he released the newer version.docpad / docpad-plugin-paged25 starsAdds support to DocPad for rendering a document into multiple pages.balupton / website24 starsThe source code of Benjamin Lupton's websitebevry / domain-browser23 starsNode's domain module for the web browserbevry / gostatic23 starsGo Static. A campaign to promote the benefits of Static Site Generators and remove the FUD around them.bevry / goopen22 starsGo Open. A campaign to help increase awareness and remove FUD about going open.docpad / docpad-plugin-cleanurls21 starsAdds support for clean urls to DocPaddocpad / extras21 starsA test runner for all of DocPad's officially supported extensionsbalupton / jquery-smarty21 starsjQuery Smarty Plugin (jQSmarty) is a port of the Smarty Templating Engine to Javascript/jQuery, offering a familiar client-side templating solutiondocpad / docpad-plugin-feedr20 starsAdds support for reading feeds to DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-highlightjs20 starsAdds support for Highlight.js syntax highlighting to DocPaddocpad / docpad-skeleton-h5bp20 starsHTML5 Boilerplate skeleton for DocPad. Bare essentials for building a modern website with best practices.docpad / docpad-skeleton-kitchensink20 starsA DocPad Skeleton useful for showcasing different features and functionality of DocPad. Implemented using Twitter Bootstrap.balupton / dotfiles20 starsBenjamin Lupton's dotfilesdocpad / docpad-plugin-services19 starsAdds super simple support for many 3rd party services to DocPad.docpad / docpad-plugin-thumbnails19 starsDocPad plugin that manages thumbnail generation of your image filesdocpad / documentation19 starsDocPad's Documentation. Cloned into the Bevry and DocPad websites for generation.docpad / docpad-plugin-jade18 starsAdds support for the Jade templating engine to DocPad.browserstate / historyjsit.crx18 starsA google chrome extension to load in History.js and remember your preference for particular sitesdocpad / website18 starsThe DocPad Websitebalupton / ember-cli-blog17 starsTom Dale's blog example updated for the Ember CLIbevry / jquery-slidescrollpanel16 starsCreate sliding scroll panels that slide in by touch, trackpad and scrollingbevry / typechecker16 starsUtilities to get and check variable types (isString, isPlainObject, isRegExp, etc)bevry / coffeescript-to-esnext15 starsA guide to migrate from CoffeeScript to ES6 / ES7 / ES2015docpad / docpad-plugin-inlinegui15 starsPlugin that brings Web Write's Inline GUI/CMS to DocPadbalupton / javascript-can-do-what15 starsTalk: JavaScript can do WHAT?!bevry / safeps15 starsWork with processes safely and easily in Node.jsdocpad / docpad-plugin-stylus14 starsAdds support for the Stylus CSS pre-processor to DocPaddocpad / docpad-skeleton-yui14 starsA YUI Purecss 0.6.0 skeleton for DocPad. balupton / bal-util13 starsUtility functions for JavaScript and Node.js used and maintained by Benjamin Luptondocpad / docpad-plugin-sass13 starsAdds support for the SASS and SCSS CSS pre-processors to DocPad. It also supports the Compass framework.bevry / envfile13 starsParse and write environment files with Node.jsbevry / progressbar13 starsA nice wrapper around TJ Holowaychuck's node-progress with chaining, domains, and stepsjs2coffee / js2coffee-redux12 starsNew js2coffee built on esprimabevry / lazy-require12 starsLazy require allows you to require modules lazily, meaning that when you lazy require a missing module, it is automatically installed. If the installation or require fails, the error is returned to the lazy require callback.bevry / awesome-travis11 starsCrowd-sourced list of Travis CI hooks/scripts etc to level up your .travis.yml filebalupton / balcms11 starsOpen-Source Zend Framework + Doctrine ORM CMS which supports il8n, widgets, caching, themes and modules.docpad / docpad-plugin-livereload11 starsAutomatically refreshes your website whenever a rengeration is performeddocpad / docpad-plugin-marked11 starsMarkdown rendering for DocPad, using Markedbevry / ambi10 starsExecute a function ambidextrously (normalizes the differences between synchronous and asynchronous functions). Useful for treating synchronous functions as asynchronous functions (like supporting both synchronous and asynchronous event definitions automatically).docpad / docpad-plugin-eco10 starsAdds support for the Eco templating engine to DocPad.docpad / docpad-plugin-multiplelayouts10 starsMultiple layouts per document for DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-related10 starsAdds support for related documents to DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-sitemap10 starsAuto-generated sitemaps for DocPadbevry / client-side9 starsBevry's approach to the client-sidedocpad / docpad-plugin-tags9 starsGenerate tag pages with DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-tumblr9 starsImports Tumblr data into your DocPad Databasewebwrite / spec9 starsSpecification for backends for how to interact with the Web Write GUIsbevry / backbone-nesty8 starsSupport nested data types like collections and models within your Backbone.js modelsbalupton / balphp8 starsCollection of functions, classes, Doctrine Templates, and Zend Framework extensions to make building PHP applications easier.docpad / dockerfile8 starsDocker container for DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-associatedfiles8 starsDocPad plugin that fetches any associated files for our particular documentdocpad / docpad-plugin-nativecomments8 starsAdds support for native comments to DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-nodesass8 starsAdds support for the SCSS CSS pre-processor to DocPad, using node-sassbalupton / es6-javascript-class-interop8 starsDo ES6 classes classes play nicely with ES5 and CoffeeScript Classes?bevry / event-emitter-grouped8 starsEmit events in serial or parallel with support for synchronous and asynchronous listenersbevry / sponsored8 starsPull in sponsors across different services and correlate against your reward tiersbalupton / sublime-settings8 starsBenjamin Lupton's Sublime Text Settingsdocpad / docpad-plugin-consolidate7 starsTemplate Engine Consolidation for DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-handlebars7 starsAdds support for the Handlebars templating engine to DocPad.docpad / docpad-plugin-text7 starsAllows you to render templateData with HTML elementsdocpad / docpad-plugin-yourpluginname7 starsSample plugin structure for bootstrapping your next DocPad plugin :)bevry / esnextguardian7 starsLoad your ES6+ files if the user's environment supports it, otherwise gracefully fallback to your ES5 files.bevry / extract-opts7 starsExtract the options and callback from a function's arguments easilydocpad / meta-gui7 starsRepository to discuss, prototype and collaborate on GUI implementations for DocPadbevry / website7 starsBevry's Websitedocpad / docpad-plugin-less6 starsAdds support for the LESS CSS pre-processor to DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-robotskirt6 starsMarkdown rendering for DocPad, using Robotskirt (Sundown)docpad / docpad-plugin-umd6 starsWrap specified JavaScript documents in the Universal Module Definition (UMD) allowing them to run in AMD, Require.js, CommonJS/Node.js and Vanilla environments automaticallybevry / extendr6 starsUtilities for cloning, extending, and de-referencing objects in shallow, deep, and safe waysbalupton / Foundation-CSS-Framework6 starsA CSS boilerplate that uses the Scaffold CSS Pre-processor.bevry / getsetdeep6 starsGet or set nested variables of an objectbalupton / learnings6 starsMeta: Learnings that I've come accrossbevry / safefs6 starsStop getting EMFILE errors! Open only as many files as the operating system supports.bevry / terraform-scaleway-hashistack6 starsTerraform module to deploy Consul, Nomad, Vault onto Scalewaybevry / textextensions6 starsThe definitive listing of text extensions.chainyjs / chainy-core5 starsThe chainy core.docpad / docpad-plugin-heroku5 starsDeploy to Heroku easily and effortlessly with this DocPad plugindocpad / docpad-plugin-repocloner5 starsClone git repos into your repository somewhere before each complete regenerationdocpad / docpad-plugin-restapi5 starsExposes a REST API for performing CRUD actions within DocPaddocpad / docpad-skeleton-editable5 starsEditable skeleton for DocPad with the Inline GUI Pluginbevry / pluginclerk5 stars A clerk for retrieving compatible plugins from the npm databaseinterconnectapp / app4 starsThe interconnect desktop and web application, including its web componentsbevry / boundation4 starsAutomatic scaffolding and upgrading of your JavaScript ecosystem projects using Bevry's best practicesbevry / cachely4 starsA tiny wrapper that sits around your request function that caches its data for a specified duration, provides updates as requested rather than polling each intervalbevry / caterpillar-browser4 starsUse Caterpillar within Web Browsers! (even includes support for colors!)bevry / caterpillar-filter4 starsFilter Caterpillar log entries by their log level, omitting all entries of a higher log level than requested.bevry / caterpillar-human4 starsOutputs Caterpillar log entries in a human readable format. Includes color and debug support.docpad / docpad-plugin-cachr4 starsCaches remote resources locallydocpad / docpad-plugin-coffeekup4 starsAdds support for CoffeeKup compilation to DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-coffeescript4 starsAdds support for CoffeeScript to JavaScript compilation to DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-dateurls4 starsDocPad plugin that adds support for date based URLs to DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-proxy4 starsProxy service plugin for docpaddocpad / docpad-plugin-uglify4 starsMinify JavaScript files with the uglify: true meta datadocpad / docpad-skeleton-casper4 starsA port of the default ghost platform theme, Casper, for use with docpaddocpad / docpad-skeleton-sass-on-heroku4 starsTesting SASS on Herokubalupton / Doctrine-Extension-Taggable4 starsThe Taggable Extension for Doctrine... with several fixes.bevry / documentation4 starsMeta: Documentation for our Projectsbevry / eachr4 starsGive eachr an array or object, and the iterator, in return eachr will give the iterator the value and key of each item, and will stop if the iterator returned false.balupton / Facebook-Cleaner4 starsChrome Extension to remove those bloody suggestion boxes.balupton / HTMLPurifier4 starsHTMLPurifier Github Mirror - Which will actually contain branches for each release... unlike the official git repo.bevry / learn4 starsBevry's learning centre websitebevry / reactive-templating-comparison4 starsThe definitive crowd-sourced list of reactive templating engines, tools, and utilitiesbevry / readdir-cluster4 starsUse multiple CPU cores via clusters for the fastest way to read nested directories and their statsbevry / ropo4 starsString replacement utilities with support for both synchronous and asynchronous replacements. Supports replacing Regular Expressions, HTML Elements, and Comment Elements. Compatible with async/await.bevry / sortobject4 starsDeeply sort an object by its keys without mangling any arrays inside of itbevry / arrangekeys3 starsReturns a copy of a JavaScript object with the keys arranged in a specified order. Useful for formatting JSON files.bevry / binaryextensions3 starsThe definitive listing of binary extensions.webwrite / collabr3 starsCrowd Sourced Web Editingbevry / csextends3 starsUse the Coffee-Script extends keyword outside of Coffee-Script. Useful for easily extending existing existing classes, e.g. `require('csextends')(klass, extensions)`, and for providing your module consumers with an easy way to extend your classes, i.e. `Backbone.Model.extend(extensions)`.bevry / docmatter3 starsBattle tested SSG front matter parser. Extracted from DocPad. Delimiter lines have 3+ of the same character (such as /*** and ***/) allowing front matters to work with the syntax highlighting of your code editor. Supports custom parsers, e.g. --- cson. Parsers are handled externally.docpad / docpad-admin-interface3 starsPrototyping an admin interface for DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-admin3 starsAdds front-end administration support to DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-assets3 starsDocPad plugin to provide assets with content-based unique namesdocpad / docpad-plugin-browserifydocs3 starsBrowserify your documents by adding the `browserify: true` meta datadocpad / docpad-plugin-downloader3 starsDownload (and optionally extract) files into your project before your project starts generatingdocpad / docpad-plugin-gist3 starsAdds support for reading gist to DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-haml3 starsAdds support for the HAML templating engine to DocPad.docpad / docpad-plugin-livescript3 starsAdds support for LiveScript to JavaScript compilation to DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-pygments3 starsAdds support for Pygments Syntax Highlighting to DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-sync3 starsSync the docpad database between docpad instancesdocpad / docpad-skeleton-azure3 starsA simple DocPad site deployed to Windows Azure Web Sitesbevry / emailtowallet3 starsA mapping of email hashes to wallet (bitcoin, paypal, etc) addressesbevry / getcontributors3 starsFetch the contributors of the repositories of the specified github usersbevry / getpackages3 starsGet the information of packages on the npm registrybevry / getrepos3 starsFetch the github data for the specified repositoriesbalupton / is-ember-ready-yet3 starsCan you move to ember yet? A repo of hitches you could run into.balupton / jordanbpeterson.community3 starsThe source code for the Jordan B Peterson Community websitebevry / meta3 starsA place to discuss meta issues surround the Bevry community and it's projectsbevry / miniview3 starsMiniature (Spine/Backbone like) views for your client-side app. Respects garbage collection.bevry / nodefailsafe3 starsMeta: Training: Node School Workshop that teaches you how to handle exceptions like a probevry / oneday3 starsThe number of milliseconds in one daybevry / pointers3 starsSyncs a model or collection with an element. Supports two-way syncs. Respects garbage collection and bottom-up rendering. Reactive.bevry / safecallback3 starsHandle asynchronous callback errors safely and easilybalupton / watchersto3 starsFetch a github projects watchers and exports them to either json, csv or vcf formatsbalupton / ajaxy-bookmark2 starsWhat would your website look like if it were Ajaxified?balupton / api-cache-proxy2 starsUNSUPPORTED: A proxy for the APIs that will cache the results the best it can to avoid rate limitschainyjs / autoload2 starsChainy plugin that automatically loads all installed plugins into the chainbalupton / backbone-instanceof-bug2 starsShowcases backbone.js `instanceof` bug with cross-module backbone.js includesbevry / caterpillar-examples2 starsExamples on different ways Caterpillar can be usedchainyjs / chainy-cli2 starsThe chainy command line interfacechainyjs / common2 starsChainy bundle including the count, log, map, push, set, and swap pluginsbevry / designs2 starsDesigns and resources for our company, community, and productsdocpad / docpad-plugin-authenticate2 starsAdds authentication to DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-buildr2 starsAdds support for Buildr to DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-cson2 starsAdds support for CSON to JSON compilation to DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-gitrestapi2 starsExposes a REST API for performing git actions within DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-hogan2 starsAdds support for the Hogan templating engine to DocPad.docpad / docpad-plugin-html2coffee2 starsAdds support for HTML to Coffee(Kup) compilation to DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-html2jade2 starsAdds support for HTML to the Jade templating engine in DocPad.docpad / docpad-plugin-markdown2 starsAdds support for the Markdown markup language to DocPad - REPLACED BY THE MARKED PLUGINdocpad / docpad-plugin-move2 starsAdds support for the Move to javascript language to DocPad.docpad / docpad-plugin-php2 starsAdds support for the PHP language to DocPad.docpad / docpad-plugin-raw2 starsCopies all files in the `/raw` directory to `/out` without going through DocPad's generation process. Useful for files that cause out of memory/speed issues when placed in /files directory.docpad / docpad-plugin-rest2 starsAdds support for REST to DocPad.docpad / docpad-plugin-ruby2 starsAdds support for the Ruby language to DocPad.docpad / docpad-plugin-serve2 starsDocPad plugin that serves your generated DocPad website over localhostdocpad / docpad-plugin-styl2 starsAdds support for the Styl Rework CSS pre-processor to DocPaddocpad / docpad-skeleton-beginner2 starsResult website from DocPad's Beginner Guidebevry / dominject2 starsInject scripts and styles into the DOM with duplicate prevention and completion callback supportbevry / errlop2 starsAn extended Error class that envelops a parent error, such that the stack trace contains the causationbalupton / flattr-buttons2 starsA collection of user created flattr buttonsbalupton / google-reader-dump2 starsDump of my Google Reader databevry / helper2 starsA helper service that assists many of the bevry eco-system functionsbevry / hostenv2 starsExports the correct PORT and HOSTNAME values for Heroku, AppFog, CloudFoundry, OpenShift, and other service environmentsbalupton / meta2 starsMeta: Issues, tasks, ideas, etc that I have, or you have for me. Kind of like a public email.balupton / node-vm-require-cache-issue2 starsThe require cache is shared between VMs and the parentbalupton / notes2 starsA place for my notesbevry / plugin-engine2 starsPlugin engine for node.js to instantiate installed modules that have a specific tagbalupton / power-translate2 starsTranslates text from a language to all available languagesbevry / progress-title2 starsYour usual progress bar, but this time it is displayed within the terminal's title, which is much simplerbevry / scandirectory2 starsScan a directory recursively with a lot of control and powerbevry / school2 starsThere is an opportunity to setup a Bevry School; this repo is used to brainstorm, discuss, and plan it.bevry / slackirc2 starsDeploy ekmartin/slack-irc to Heroku and whatnotbevry / trim-indentation2 starsTrim the initial indentation from a stringbevry / argsbytype1 starsProvide some arguments, get back a hash object of the arguments indexed by their type. Very useful for agnostic argument orders.bevry / assert-helpers1 starsCommon utilities and helpers to make testing assertions easierbalupton / atom-semicolons1 starsAtom package that allows you to remove unnecessary semicolons (while keeping necessary semicolons) in JavaScript filesbevry / awesome-crypto1 starsThe definitive listing of every cryptocurrency service; including their capabilities, fees, currencies, withdrawal process, etc.balupton / balupton.github.io1 starsDO NOT DELETE THIS. It is needed to provide the balupton repositories with their github pages.balupton / cloudflare-stout-npm1 starsmirrors cloudflare stout releases to npminterconnectapp / components1 starsWebsite detailing the usage of interconnect's web componentschainyjs / count1 starsChainy action that logs the length of the chain data to stdoutdocpad / docpad-plugin-autoprefix1 starsAuto vendor/browser prefix CSS so you don't have to!docpad / docpad-plugin-cleancss1 starsConcatinate and minify CSS files with the `cleancss: true` meta datadocpad / docpad-plugin-jshint1 starsJSHint Plugin for DocPad - seeking new maintainerdocpad / docpad-skeleton-benchmark1 starsBenchmarking skeleton for DocPadbevry / eslint-config-bevry1 starsBevry's ESLint configuration is an adaptive configuration that automatically configures ESLintchainyjs / exec1 starsChainy action that sets the chain data as the output of an executed scriptchainyjs / feed1 starsChainy action that sets the chain data with the parsed results of a request, includes cachingbevry / fellow1 starsFellow is a package for creating people that can be unified by their shared values via a singleton list on the classbevry / getmembers1 starsGet the members of github organisations with complete detailsbevry / githubauthquerystring1 starsAuthorise GitHub API requests by appending the environments auth credentials to your request's query string.chainyjs / hasfield1 starsChainy action that filters out items in the chains data that do not have the specified fieldbevry / ignorefs1 starsIgnore common and custom patterns of the file systembevry / ignorepatterns1 starsA regular expression that matches common filenames that we want to ignorebevry / joe-examples1 starsArchived. This project is now inlined within Kava.bevry / joe-reporter-console1 starsArchived. This project is now inlined within Kava.bevry / joe-reporter-list1 starsArchived. This project is now inlined within Kava.js2coffee / js2coffee-tests1 starsTests for js2coffee.balupton / littlesnitch-filters1 starsBlocklist for inserting into Little Snitch for the purpose of tracker, malware, and ad blockingbevry / log-levels1 starsA map of log level aliases matched to their numeric values. Follows the RFC Standard.balupton / node-globals1 starsRepo to showcase that node.js suffers from global leaks just like the browser does - was a surprise to mebalupton / nodeschools1 starsMy answers to nodeschool workshopsbevry / normalify1 starsNormalize different variable value types - e.g. `"1"` becomes `1`balupton / Paymo-Styler1 starsChrome Extension to give Paymo Georgia, whitespace and larger font sizes.chainyjs / pipe1 starsChainy action that pipes the chain's data to a writable streambevry / requirefresh1 starsRequire a file without adding it into the require cachebalupton / Scaffold-Import-Bal1 starsBalupton's Imports for Scaffoldbevry / spine-route1 starsThe minimistic router from Spine, extracted microjs style.bevry / tiered-map1 starsA simple map of key value pairs with support for tiers (e.g. defaults go at tier 25, standards go at 50, and overrides go at tier 75)balupton / todo1 starsMeta: Benjamin Lupton's todo listbalupton / trackeverything1 starsEasy Time Tracking. Very experimental.bevry / valid-directory1 starsCheck whether or not the current working directory is valid on windowsinterconnectapp / website1 starsMain website and landing page for Interconnect, includes a link to the app and component sitesbalupton / xero-bookmark1 starsAdds multiple categorisation to transactions.balupton / Zend-Framework-Mirror1 starschainyjs / autoinstall0 starsChainy plugin that automatically installs missing plugins on node versions 0.11 and abovebalupton / babel-extend-native-class-issue0 starsBabel fails to extend native classesbevry / bindsource0 starsA Function.prototype.bind replacement that includes the source function, and the bind information, in the resultant toString.balupton / chainyjs-talk0 starsRepo for holding the latest sources for talking about ChainyJSbevry / detect-indentation0 starsUtility to detect indentation from a stringdocpad / docpad-baseplugin0 starsBasePlugin class for DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugin-browserifybundles0 starsBundle files into browserify packages. Use insteaddocpad / docpad-plugin-coffeelint0 starsA CoffeeLint plugin for DocPad - seeking new maintainer!docpad / docpad-plugin-pug0 starsAdds support for the Pug templating engine to DocPad.docpad / docpad-pluginloader0 starsPlugin Loader class for DocPaddocpad / docpad-plugintester0 starsDocPad's PluginTester classchainyjs / each0 starsChainy action that iterates through each item in the array with an asynchronous or synchronous iteratorbalupton / eslint-issue-import-extensions0 starsimport/extensions doesn't seem to workbalupton / facebook-export-notes0 starsExport your facebook noteschainyjs / flatten0 starsChainy action that replaces the chain's data of a nested array into a single shallow arraychainyjs / fs0 starsChainy custom plugin that adds the fs utility methods as chainy actions.chainyjs / geocode0 starsChainy action that replaces the chain's data of a location with that of longitude and latitude coordinates in the format of: `[long, lat]`bevry / gitclone-robust0 starschainyjs / glob0 starsChainy action that replaces the chain's data with a glob of itbalupton / google-buzz-dump0 starsData dump from Google Buzzbalupton / iMulti0 starsPerform multiple actions with your iTunes librarybalupton / iPodNoteMaker0 starsCreate notes for your iPod Classicjs2coffee / js2coffee-v00 starsArchive of the js2coffee v0.3 websitejs2coffee / js2coffee-v0-history0 starsjs2coffee v0.3.5 - full git historychainyjs / log0 starsChainy action that outputs the chain's databevry / logger-clearable0 starsA logger that is clearablechainyjs / map0 starsReplaces each item in the array with the result of an asynchronous or synchronous iteratorbevry / native-promise-pool0 stars Create a pool of a specified concurrency that accepts promisesbalupton / newproject0 starsuse for testingbalupton / now-marko0 starsA [Zeit's Now/Now.js/NowJS/] builder for [Ebay's Marko/MarkoJS/Marko.js]bevry / outpatient0 starsHelpers for the Learning Center and DocPad Websitesbevry / pluginloader0 starsA class for loading, verifying, and creating plugins. Used by DocPad for years.balupton / pocketbook0 starsTODO: Get information from pocketbook, unoffocial node.js API client for http://getpocketbook.comchainyjs / progress0 starsChainy utility that outputs the progress of your chain as it progresses through its actionsbalupton / red0 starsRemove empty directoriesbevry / remove-indentation0 starsUtility to remove indentation from a stringchainyjs / set0 starsChainy action that sets the data for the chain with the data that is passed over to the pluginbevry / spinner-title0 starsWrite your spinner to the terminal title barbevry / ssg-experiments0 starsA place for experimenting with ssg concepts. See the branches.balupton / sync-async-parallel0 starsExperiment to find out if synchronous calls block parallel tasks. TLDR; they dochainyjs / trickle0 starsChainy action that treats the chain's data as arguments for the specified method, to enable waterfall type workflowsbalupton / typescript-test-project0 starsbalupton / typescript-typedef-object-issue0 starsexample repositorybevry / unbounded0 starsFunction.prototype.bind replacement that provides an `unbounded` hidden property on the returned bounded function, that contains the original unbounded functionchainyjs / uniq0 starsChainy action that rejects duplicates inside the chain's data array, based on the item itself, or a particular fieldchainyjs / website0 starsThe chainy website. Not yet made.interconnectapp / workshop0 starsCode and documentation for our CampJS 2014 Workshopbalupton / zurb-foundation.docpad0 starsTotalsProjects: 306Stars: 22447Forks: 3692